How do you manage your anxiety, so it is your life?
I think that fear as part of the human condition. We all stress about things on which we have no control, such as illness, loss, accidents, and the prospect of death (our own or that of someone we love). To maintain balance, each of us to feel a certain degree of control over our lives. No one has complete control, but we all have enough to go forward with energy and optimism.
If weCharge in every situation, we try to impose on an otherwise chaotic reality. Occupations me something about how people manage their anxiety. Doctors diagnosed with it. Accountants do it with numbers. The writers do with words. Lawyers dealing with the law.
Some people satisfy their need for control by the administrative staff. Examples are teachers, supervisors, military commanders and the president of the United States. Some people seem to need more controlothers!
If I see someone who is very stubborn-child or an adult, I think this person has a tremendous amount of anxiety and thus a great need for control. People, in whole or in part, their lives are out of control, lose flexibility. Things seem more unmanageable, the stiffer they become.
Anxiety can cause problems, either continuously or intermittently. We've all had times when we can not sleep. Some of us wake up at 3:00, with a bad idea. Some people freak outbefore or during the tests. The medical examinations or procedures discourage many of us. heavy losses and disasters, fires, car accidents, serious illness and death, safe family bit 'of peace.
Sometimes, fear tells us that our body goes on strike. Panic attacks, for example, may indicate that our lifestyles affect our physiological balance: beware! If one lives in fear of these attacks, you should find that the management of fear is a life skills that we allmust acquire.
To help us keep ourselves, our brain is in constant feedback with the rest of our body and in return receive news. Anytime I see that my nose itches, I put too hungry, or that I feel uncomfortable irritation (anxiety!) by a call to unpleasant or a big bill that arrived in the mail yesterday.
In any case, I have to calibrate some form of action again. Fear is only an inner feeling of many countriesI have to respond. I appeal to a variety of strategies to solve problems and make me feel better. By fine-tuning to me all the days that I can continue working and remain true to my values.
When fear looms too large in your life, take stock of the problem. When you feel afraid? Where were you when the fear is real? How does it feel in your body? Get a notebook. Write a few lines a day. How did you feel anxious on a scale of 1 to 10? What was happeningTime? How long did it take? What has contributed to a reduction or complete? How often do you feel anxious in a week?
Play scientists. The more you know about the role of anxiety in your life play, the better you can manage through it. You are in control.
Strategy 1: first take control of anxiety. "Certain types of activities and events that will fill in anticipation. What precautions and put supports inPlace for testing less painful? Imagine the worst case. Then you say that you prepared for everything.
Some of the most unpleasant tasks of life are inevitable. to pull these into consideration, the blinkers do not think for a mammogram until you reach the doctor's office. When you climb up the fear of you in the days before the date which treat it as a glass that has fallen on the kitchen floor.
If the glass is broken, would soon sweep the pieceswith a shovel and broom and puts it in the trash. Then, in a way that would not step barefoot on each splitter lost, he would probably be empty on the floor. If you have small children around, you take the garbage out of the house as a whole. Repeat the process with unwanted thoughts. Give them the heave-ho, and empty the Recycle Bin.
Cheer yourself. Talking out loud to himself. If this seems strange, practical test in front of the bathroom mirror: "Piece of Cake, I can do it!.A big problem. That will not last long. I've done more things first. This will soon be over, "and so on.
Note that the antidote to control anxiety. Viktor Frankl, author of the human search for meaning, described the survival in a concentration camp by releasing mentally from the horrors. With the mind's eye, he has made in the measurement and interpretation of the scene around him from afar. This technique, known novelists, helped him stay healthy, while many others have died.You can do the same thing to rephrase your nemesis, about the ways you, the choreographer of your life, are in control want to remember. If your heart beats fast when you are stranded on the Claiborne Pell Bridge, you remember what you wanted to see Iceland side Newport, RI, on the other.
Strategy 2: Your fear. Avoid When fear creeps upon you distracted. Stay busy. Select a task or activity that will keep your eyebusy and avoid trouble.
Schedule worry time. Tell yourself: "I will ensure that from 4.30 bis 05:00 watch tonight so I can not think about it now." Then, to keep the covenant. is 4.30, see how much you care.
Ruin the brain for something wonderful in the past, maybe a day at the beach or the time spent with a significant family. Choose a shop with lots of sensory details blue, windy sky, sparkling summer day;the smell of hot, sweet hay, lick the fresh water of the lake, the bells gently toasted the old church bells, the taste of gooey marshmallows. Then every time he hits bad idea, simply change your mind to the rich, satisfying reminder that you have identified.
Strategy 3: Take your fear to get overwhelming. If your fear is a monster that threatens you unpredictable. Not true, after all, but some of you separately.
Embrace your fear. Talka. "Okay, Angie, I'm ready for you. I'm all yours. Sock to me. Do what you want and be done with it. You can not get the better of me."
If certain activities make you panic, aircraft, elevators, syringes, crowds, traffic jams, try a therapy for exposure. Are you planning a campaign to desensitize themselves. For example, if you're afraid to get in an elevator, you could bring a friend at a glance. On each return visits, is closer toElevator. Finally, you step to open the doors. Then he would step in and close the doors.
You get the picture. At each visit you make to be as much as possible before the fear was overwhelming thrust. Finally, this reprogramming would have happened!
Strategy 4: Parents to be wise in the form of spirit and soul. Take care of your body. Alcohol, caffeine and cigarettes feed fear. Eating sensibly and get a full sleep each night.I work every day and you'll strip your stress training. How do you work up a sweat thinking about the things you lack. In this way you can take the anger and tension from your body.
Inventory of your progress. Congratulate you on your successes. Celebrate yourself.
Realize that work hard to reward merit. They stand to suffer torture. They know themselves to be treated, requiring a few seconds, a couple of hours, and a couple of days. Be gentle with yourself as youwould a small child.
Do not sweat the small stuff or things that have passed or are otherwise beyond your control. Ask yourself before you lose a lot of time and energy: "In twenty years, who know the difference"
Have faith. Tell yourself every day or more often, "With God's help I can do anything that will control that day."
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