I do not complain of my childhood. Overall it was great. I was a chubby child who does not like to be fun. When I was 12, I saw the Mr. Olympia in Wide World of Sports. That's where it all started. Suddenly I was very excited. This summer, Johnny Bennett gave me a bank and the following Christmas I received a set of weights. My life was in my hands and control. I was very motivated.
I knew nothing about the work. I only hadA card that was filled with my weight in concrete. I followed the instructions carefully and in a couple of months ago I started seeing results. I thought they were the results anyway. The people in my high school saw my arm began to grow and everybody wanted to arm wrestle me. I was a chubby child, but suddenly everyone wanted to be my friend and I was motivated. At this point, I had goals.
I played football in middle school and I knew that I wanted to play in high school. Ialways played sports and girls like athletes. Towards the end of my ninth grade (15 years), my transition to High School began with the practice of spring football at Hamden High School .. We only had a week to show that for the ninth graders, but it was a chance to coach, I could do. How could I be intimidated by people in my class? I could not and was not. I was very motivated, because some ass connect other children of secondary school in my town would be there. They were still a massiveRivals, none of them were my friends and I wanted to inflict some damage. I did. The coaches were the expectations for me to come in the fall.
Triple sessions began in late August. E 'was incredibly hot and humid. I thought I would die. It was not the first triple-day session, most of them were or was the second. This is the day when you are incredibly sore and tired. None of us knew, but a transformation has taken place in our mind and body. As we have throughout the week, we startedto believe to make it to the end. Saturday we had a scrimmage. This was our first opportunity to someone else then did our new friends.
The following Wednesday was the first day of school. I was not clear, but the sessions Triple almost made me lose all my chubbiness and I had a new set of traps large. I could not believe. Suddenly, the girls were interested in me. I was interested again. Football had some of the greatest and worst moments of my short life.None of my friends would always say the opposite about them.
It 'been 29 years since I graduated from high school. Some of my best friends then became my best friends. When we meet now, it's like it was yesterday. Nothing is different - this is great!
Now for the biggest and worst of the rest of my life.
After high school I went to Boston College in the fall of 1980. It 's a very strange move again, from Big Man on Campusnone / none. I knew I could break through the wall. I just had to figure out how. First semester first year was hard. I'm not as good as I was in high school and everyone seemed wiser than me. When the semester ended, I spent much time thinking about the rest of my days at school. I could do it and do it much better than me in the first half I spent too much time to drink the Christmas holidays with my friends from high school.
During the Christmas holidays are gonetest on each note, and chapters of my chemistry, physics and calculus classes. When I returned to school, I was very rested and ready. My fear was almost gone and it was time to make Boston College, who they were and what to do. I studied and studied, wrote my notes every day and many questions. Professors only slightly intimidated me. I was scoring big with all my exams.
Back to the first half. One day this guy in my dorm named Kurt and I sawsaid, "Hey, do you have great arms." I looked at him with contempt and said thank you. In my head I actually said "Thanks for telling me what I do not know already." Kurt did not know, but I admired his size. He was great. A bit 'of a block, without form, but it was very big and strong. I was happy that he thought what he was doing. Kurt did not live on my floor. Now I was completely out of shape, because the Sports Complex (PLEX) was closed for a long time for renovations. Where can I raiseHeavy? Luckily he knew Kurt.
We at the YMCA in Watertown, Massachusetts hitchhiking. I finally get up again, bigger feeling again and I had a friend, as I thought. In fact, he was bigger, stronger and more able to find a place like this. I could learn something from him. Kurt made me laugh and also had the same taste in music. Strong and tough.
College went on and on. We were best friends and roommates during our last two years. We used to sneak intoFootball weight room to develop. E 'was easier than hitchhiking. Suddenly, the coach gave us jobs for the athletes as a coach of strength training. We have nothing, we just increased and increased. We were very happy.
Early in my last year I was accepted into the Navy's nuclear program. After graduation I would like to go to Iceland Officer Candidate School in Newport, Rhode wanted. U-boat from A.
Officer Candidate School was not whatexpected. They are there in much better shape in my life. I saw the movie An Officer and a Gentleman many times and I did not want to be unprepared. Well, I was. The emergence of OCS was not really there. No obstacle course, any currently running Dover Dunker mandatory morning and Saturday morning fun. On my first liberty, I was loaded on the road with my ice cream suit and a car hot-looking woman approached me, stopped and shouted SQUID! Couple that with the factthat in Newport and I could hear all the fun was in the yard and the heat. My goal does not seem to be with me. OCS I left a bit 'more than a month after getting his. Looking back, probably should have given more time. I simply could not miss the training.
Later this summer I did not have a job or prospects for the fall. And that was definitely not me. I was always squared away. Now I was a bartender in a place called Holiday Hill. Technicon waswith their company picnic. I talked to some people about what they were doing and took some advice. I paid a lot of attention to the Personnel Director. He gave me his business card and asked me to attach to my resume. After 10 days I had an interview.
When fresh from the Navy, and having no time to buy a dress, I borrowed one of Kurt. Kurt was now taller than me and a life much larger so I was not completely comfortable with this conversation. Brian Taylor, was my partner a lot of talkUnderstanding and call me back for a second interview. This time I had a dress. The second interview went very well and I had a job offer the next day.
My parents' house was exactly 65 miles from Technicon. It would be difficult, but in 6-9 months I have a particular area and the issue would go. I got on the treadmill of commuting, development, small pieces out over the weekend. I had a great time. I have met many new people at work and the gym. Mostthey were helpful.
OK - - Well, slow-growing and powerful kick
Right around December 1984 I began to feel a bit 'different. Not bad, not better just different. I had a slight tingling in the legs. I realize that I was a bit 'put on weight and lose it, he wanted to look my best for the move. Technicon paid for my lunch because I was training clients. I was always on a diet and lost some weight. Correctly, or so I thought. I noticed that myStrength decreased. I have taken £ 600 in early December 1984 and the end of December, which was not possible. I also noticed that my bench was crossing the floor in a hurry. I did not have a sense of strength, not through my body .. It 'was a sort of disconnect. Very strange. I knew what the problem was, I just lost a bit 'of weight and my body was adjusting. Likely to correct only vaguely.
Well, in the coming months I lost more strength. Whatwas going on? I just do not know and did not want to see anyone else.
Line the Sand Day
Late February / early March 1985. We played a quick game of basketball. I slipped and tore ankle ligaments. I continued straight. Nothing would have happened to me in the end successfully. I went to the Pittsburgh Conference in New Orleans held in late March. There was a lot of fun to work for eight hours with a cast, but I did. New Orleans was fantastic. Great food. Iworked at the YMCA and was a fearful place. My arrogance or what made me feel at home.
After 6-8 weeks of plaster was removed. In fact, I brought myself with a branch cutter. Because I had an appointment and my feet really stink.
Guess what, 'I never came back correctly. It was my ankle, under his strong once again? Maybe I need a bit 'of receipt. Was it something else? People noticed and asked me what a great deal. I startedget self-conscious and would always change the subject. Who cares what is wrong, I can go - right?
I was asked to spend a lot of time in Wisconsin and Minnesota, producers to sell butter and cheese. I was very excited to go. I would like to spend April, May and beyond June. E 'was great. I sold a bit ', because the pages and came home every weekend. Strange company policy. I ate my ankle healed properly and I was ready for the next phase of myCareer.
End June 1985 I moved to Cherry Hill, New Jersey. I had a great apartment. There were three other units, two of which were occupied. The first, a pair of reporters for the Philadelphia Inquirer and the second with two girls who have just been completed at the University of Michigan.
Slap in the face Day -
I was not gaining any strength and I lost a bit 'of coordination. I thought the wedge that the votes have to put in my ankle screwed up and screwed me.I went to an orthopedic surgeon in New Jersey. It has all these tests and told me not to ruin. He referred to a neurologist. The neurologist I would recommend an MRI done to look better things. I had another date, if the results were in the hands of the doctor. The doctor told me I had MS, multiple sclerosis. What the hell? He told me that this is a neurological disorder in which the body eat the myelin sheath of nerves. These points on scarcause a flow of neurological disorder. This leads to my loss of coordination and strength. Do you have a pill to cure me? No, it must exist. In fact, there is nothing. I wanted a second opinion. The appointment was made for me by the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center. I was told exactly the same things. This time, though in a much colder. I left without paying.
What should I do? I have to get out of New Jersey a safer place.
One day I wasto mention working in the street, apparently came as my annual flu. I went home and lay shivering in bed. I went to bed at eight and the clock in the night I woke up sweating. Nothing new right? Well, I could not move my legs. I was so scared and crawled out of bed, dragging me on the floor in my office. I took the phone and called an ambulance. This was the only thing I thought I could do. I was taken to hospital and several glasses of water. Within afew minutes, I was fine. I do not feel bad, and I could walk. The pair came from hospital when he saw the ambulance. They took me home.
I do not want to spend much time here, but I was just in another state. I did not know that the best way to manage a specific territory. I have not yet had the necessary skills. Then one day my phone rang. It 'been a headhunter who told me about Leybold Heraeus Inficon and their division. They have sold massSpectrometer. I took a research lab at school and we have built. Great shape. I have the job and moved home, but in an apartment. Most would be closer to all my friends and family.
My job was great to Inficon. I was the sale of tracers of the mass spectrometer helium leak and vacuum gauges mainly IBM. It 'been a great fit and I have been very successful in it. One problem is a huge IBM plant in East Fishkill and Yorktown Heights, New York. Could my legs and the coordination involved inthe foot? I think I have my entire adult life to the war, which was formed in front of me. I was ready for battle.
I did battle. I've been a great success. My legs started to really bother me. Importance has been very difficult. I had to urinate often. Finding a bathroom in time during the customer's site is very difficult. It was not a person for office. I had to be on the road and with customers. I felt like it was my vocation to address and resolveProblems.
I was working with a neurologist at Yale. The last thing was a ray of Cytoxan, chemotherapy. I figured I'd be healed, I did. As soon as I arrived in my hospital room, I was seized with anxiety and fear. Would not it be then? I looked out the window, grabbed my cross and said. "God, if I ever need you, I need you now Please help" He did. Also the window, I watched a stroke a blow on the shoulder, and he was a priest and asked if I'd beblessed. Yes, yes yes yes I know. A kind of freaky time, but it happened.
They came into my room and did a spinal tap. In fact, it did not hurt that much. A few minutes later, an older sister came to my room and told me he had a catheter. Sticking something in my private parts did not happen when I had something to do with it. I did not and went so far as not to give her my permission. My doctor came into the room and shouted at me and told methat is not an option because they will not take Cytoxan to stay in my body. E 'was toxic.
Now, the catheter was in pain was incredible. Not a day goes by where we do not think the catheter. If someone goes to punch in the stomach, cramps, you should first of that shot. With a catheter, never do - never do. About 10 minutes after inserting said, my sister and told me that they have inserted a catheter instead of a short-termlong-term catheters, which could be removed and replaced. Once again, love do not, never was given a second thought. After a great deal of pain, has been done. Someone hates me or my test.
That event will be forever in my brain and the brain of everyone I know because I never stop talking about it stamped.
The next day rolled around and my favorite nurse, Rita came in and said it was time to begin the Cytoxan infusion. After two long hours, Ihis hair and I did not vomit. Victory! The afternoon of the third day of my Cytoxan treatment, I had to vomit. It was not violent, I do not feel bad and then I vomit again during my 10 day stay. I have a very good job my friends and family feel guilty that I was in hospital with all these terrible food. For this reason, all brought me a lot of good food. I absolutely hated the hospital food was not to throw up and I need my strength - I told them.Thanks to all, was my visit to the hospital rather smooth.
Last night in the hospital, I had a nurse. He told me that it is time to remove the catheter and to ensure that I could urinate naturally. If I could not - get back into it. E 'hurt a lot, removal of the catheter, but not as much as placement. I found myself feeling like I was urinating all over the room. I was not and I was told that it was natural. Next Step - urinate. I told the nurse, no problem. Just about mea lot of cranberry juice and ice. I have not stopped drinking it and sure enough the Wiz started to flow. In fact, it ran for four or five days, every few minutes. I do not know why, just did.
After a week of rest and relaxation, I went to the gym. I felt great and was well on foot. Wow, I was healed. I was on my belly to do lying leg curls. I wore a white sweatshirt rotten old when it happened. I noticed a hair on my shoulder. I touched myHead and hair began to fall. To minimize this embarrassment, I went to the hairdresser. Tony buzzed out of my hair and did not charge me because there is no effort required.
All this happened in September / October 1986. I went back to work, everyone was happy to see me, and nobody in my head bald. There 's been pretty good for a while'. funny story while driving south on Route 7 pulled in Wilton, Connecticut, a boy in a small pick-up to go in my direction. HeHit the back panel on the fourth side of the driver got me going in the middle of oncoming traffic. I had a near head-on collision. They moved all over the world to make sure nothing was broken. I got out of the car just to see all traffic Rubbernecking. A policeman came to me and told me, as I caused the accident. The woman told them that I was not the case at all. He knew that while tied to a stretcher. Now I am very upset. I'm walking up and down Route 7 A car loadGirl through and yells "nice ass". Because they said so? I put my hand on the seat of my pants and found that the force of impact caused the blast open his pants. My nose was broken and I immediately knew him. Next I went back to the gym, but I have a new membership card. E 'was stupid, but funny.
Next month, I seemed to have before chemotherapy. I called my doctor and he said I can not believe this is happening. What can be done short of chemotherapy? He said we could do thisRound of prednisone, a steroid. It's not that I wanted. I've had. Some of pills every day for several weeks. Everything went smoothly. In fact, I was healed. The weights and exercise bikes were incredible.
Things were OK for a while '. Prednisone has never worked and was the first time that I did. Side effects were still there, not just good feelings. My doctor told me to try a round of Solumedrol. This is the liquid form ofPrednisone. Instead of pills, was infused with an intravenous drip for about two hours a day for five days. Things have been great and I was healed. Dead Wrong! The first round was wonderful and more rounds were not so good, and ultimately ineffective. Sure, I have no idea this kind of steroids did not know because I read about them. Because I felt like I was healed.
Stupid Stupid Stupid - all the time.
In 1988 I started at MKS Instruments. Ihas always been impressed with their equipment. I would like to compete with them and lose very often. The reason I left is Leybold, because my boss was not a director. Alan Bird was my first coach to MKS. He and I immediately. The top management was not confrontational. They just wanted to help me work. I felt like I was at home with this company. My career flourished. I felt great.
Things went well with my work. I was able to save some money and bought a ship in1989th In an extremely hot day in 1989, all my friends were sitting around sweating in the boat. It makes no sense to me. The heat has an extremely negative effect on MS. Instead of success, I jumped into the water and started swimming. I felt great. I felt so good as I always have prednisone. So I started to swim as often as possible like a madman. Sometimes I would go out on the beach in Branford. In an extremely hot day, I would like amazing in my car sweating and feelingevil - as Moosh. I would in some way from the wall to the sand. All I could do was the water where I had my good juice and crawl better than 1000%. This feeling is due to the buoyancy of salt water and fresh. Crawling on the sand, I felt like a baby turtle struggling to National Geographic, in the sand and be reborn into the sea. It 'was amazing. I found something I could do. In colder months, I would swim in the pool in the city North Haven near my office.I was a good swimmer. I would go for long swims, they feel completely revived after its completion. The pool was great, but nothing like the sea. N. salt in the pool. I worked with it. The pool water was warm enough. I definitely do not feel like I did when I swam in the sea, but was still very much .. This was my ultimate meaning cardiovascular training. I could not walk, run or bike through MS. That was another something big. MS I was always improvising.
After 10 yearsFMD I could not hide what is not there anymore. are the things that much worse. One morning in 1998, I went to 395 to assist customers in Massachusetts. I drank a cup of coffee and went into the cup placed in the cup holder. I accidentally the cup on the rim. As soon as I let go of the cup is dropped. Everything seemed in slow motion. How the Cup of the Fallen, I stupidly tried to take it. I bent the left and right hands on the wheel. The cause subtle to move his left hand tothe right to cause the car to go astray. Well, there was much damage to the car. I was good, but my ego was again mutilated. MS is not the cause of this accident was stupidity. If I was normal, I would get a slap on the cheek and a great conversation with my boss. Instead, I had to go through complete customization of the check-out again. In my opinion, this incident put the ball in motion. I could not stop anymore.
November 1998, came eight months after the accident. My cell phonerang and it was my boss. He told me to change my position. Once 1999 rolled around, I would be a domestic supplier in collaboration with universities rather than the major clients that I use. I requested and was granted the opportunity to work from my home
I felt as if it were a shot back. We never had a salesman inside with me. They made an accommodation for me. The first half hour of my new job saw my ego disappears. "I'm not going to lowerI work with these customers, "he said. Then I realized was that helped me and the job was to work. I do not want to give everyone a chance to look down or talk bad about me. I found, first that universities do not always receive the attention it needs. Yes, some but not all. I'm not the price level that is necessary. was not the light of all the activities that should have been. I worked correct price, have the insideI needed support and sat on top of these customers. I was always there for them and they knew it was a phone call or e-mail, faster than it has ever responded. People for the university would be just incredibly busy.
In 1999 and 2000 was very good. Because I work from my home, my physical problems are not there. I see the academic market, a new market. A customer who has ordered the university and received great support from mewould graduate one day and would always think of FMD. This would be a customer for life.
Reward Time
In the winter of 2001 had slowed the global market conditions. For this reason, I was transferred to a technological application. Everything I did was stopped for the university. Ultimately, if the market returned to my position. However, there have been changes. I would like to support sales, rather than direct sales. This meant that I no longer receive commissions, my greatMotivator and I would not go directly to customers University. So, another change. I could not explain. For me, my time on direct sales, my mailing list has been blurred. Graduates and professors move. I've never been able to remain on the things that I like. This was a failure most of the people before me.
Back to 2001. E 'was 5 July and Lesley had to go shopping for the day. I thought I'd roll down the pool and work. Not so fast. It 'was very hotDay, so I was always muddy. No problem, spend the day in the water and everything will be fine. Unfortunately, my move has been the President of the pool lift failure. I ended up on the pool deck. The sun was oppressive, and I could not move. I was there for over five hours lying on my stomach with his right arm bent under me. There was no one around, and nobody has given me to feel at 05.00 clock. A neighbor who did not know he could hear me, came over and shouted 911th Eventcaused another move to the down side for me. I spent every day from this point I feel very tight in the shoulders and I lost my grip strength in the gym. So much so that I tape the bars of my right hand. Also, my strength had fallen more and more every day. What happened?
Lesley was always there. She has never wavered. We met May 10, 1991. My friend Mike asked me to go in order to meet with Lisa. I knew since we were small children. I was at the end of myCorda. MS is a great wall and 5 girls in a series dumped me. I was ready. Well, that night I do not care about the meeting with Lesley. I just gave a very good thing "I do not really care" attitude. However, we were talking and talking, and thought I'd try again. I felt good and was full of expectations on foot. I asked Lisa for details of Lesley. He said he would ask, and let me know.
- - End of part one - - more to follow soon
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